+49 (0)40 22 81 74 40
+49 (0)151 20 10 09 63
Mo./Di./Do. 9:00 – 15:00 + 15:00 -18:00 Uhr
Mi.+ Fr. 9:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Ungefähr 20 Minuten nördlich von Haugesund befinden sich die gepflegten Ferienhäuser in Hagland. Die Ferienhäuser sind alle gut ausgestattet und bieten Platz für 4-6 Personen.
Die Ferienhäuser stehen im Prinzip auf einem Felsen, der vom Bootsanleger über Holztreppen erreichbar ist (nicht Haus Luxus). Damit Sie Ihr mitgebrachtes Gepäck nicht hinauf auf den Felsen tragen müssen, gibt es hierfür eine Gepäck-Seilbahn, die dieses hinauf befördert.
Das Haus Luxus steht auf der anderen Seite des kleinen Fjordes, mit eigenem Parkplatz vorm Haus!
Die Lage der Häuser in Hagland Lille ist einzigartig. Alle Häuser stehen einzeln und Sie haben absolute Ruhe! Für das Meeresangeln stehen robuste 16 Fuß Angelboote mit 15 oder 25 PS Außenborder zur Verfügung. In unmittelbarer Nähe der Boote befindet sich auch ein Fisch-Schlachtplatz sowie ein Geräteschuppen, in dem für alle Gäste Gefriertruhen zum Einfrieren der Fische bereit stehen.
Die Gewässer rund um Hagland Lille sind voller Fisch und gehören zu den besten Angelrevieren Europas. Hier ist das ganze Jahr über Hochsaison und anglerische Höhepunkte lassen sich besonders in der Zeit von Februar bis Mai und September bis November erwarten. Auf Grund des warmen Golfstroms beträgt die Wassertemperatur bis in den Dezember häufig noch 10 Grad und mehr, hier fühlen sich kapitale Fische aller Sorten wohl, und Sie haben hier immer die Chance Großdorsch, Köhler, Leng, Heilbutt, Plattfisch, Hering, Markrele und viele weitere Arten zu erbeuten. Wenn das Wetter mal nicht mitspielt und für Menschen die das geruhsame Angeln lieben, bietet der völlig wind- und wellengeschützte Innenfjord mit seinen vielen kleinen Inseln und Buchten ein ausgedehntes und spannendes Angelrevier, in dem nicht selten Meerforelle und Lachs an den Haken gehen.
Gerne gibt man Ihnen vor Ort auch wertvolle Tipps zur Fischerei.
Sollte einmal der Wind für ein Angeln mit dem Boot zu stark sein, findet man in der Umgebung auch gute Angelplätze zum Angeln von Land aus. Oder Sie besuchen einmal die wunderschöne Altstadt von Skudneshavn, die Sie in ca. 40 Minuten mit dem Auto erreichen.
Empfohlene Fährverbindung Hirtshals-Stavanger. Freie Wechseltage.
Es stehen drei verschiedene Haustypen zur Verfügung. Alle Häuser haben eine gute Ausstattung und bestechen durch Ihre unvergleichliche Lage mit z.T. atemberaubendem Blick über Fjord und Meer.
Weitere Informationen:
1 Haustier pro Haus erlaubt.
Wir empfehlen bei Angelgruppen eine maximale Belegung der Häuser mit 4 Personen.
Es stehen 16 Fuß Angelboote (15 PS oder 25 PS) zur Verfügung. Im Mietpreis der Ferienhäuser ist bereits ein Angelboot mit 15 PS enthalten. Gegen Aufpreis kann auf das 25 PS Boot geändert werden. Die Boote mit 25 PS haben ein fest eingebautes Echolot, zu den Booten mit 15 PS kann ein Echolot geliehen werden.
Ab 175,– € pro Person / Woche inkl. 15 Fuß Boot 15 PS !
In den gemütlichen Comfort-Ferienhütten fühlen Sie sich auf Anhieb wohl. Die Hütten sind für sechs Personen komfortabel, mit viel Liebe zum Detail, modern und gemütlich eingerichtet. Neben einem Elternschlafraum und einem Schlafraum für die Kinder bietet der typisch skandinavische Hems zwei weitere Schlafmöglichkeiten.
Dieser eignet sich auch perfekt als Rückzugs- oder Spielort für Ihre Kinder. Zusätzlich zu einem großzügigen Badezimmer mit Dusche und WC haben die Hütten ein separates Gäste-WC. Vom Wohnraum und der großen Terrasse genießen Sie einen Rundumblick über das herrliche Panorama Fjord-Norwegens. Die Küche ist in das Wohn-/Esszimmer integriert und bietet Ihnen mit Kühlschrank, Spülmaschine, Backofen und modernem Herd den Komfort, den Sie für einen erholsamen Urlaub brauchen. Auf Ihrer Terrasse können Sie Ihren frisch gefangenen, gegrillten Fisch genießen und sich bis spät in die Nacht von der einzigartigen Atmosphäre der Mitternachtssonne verzaubern lassen. Sollte es doch einmal regnen, gibt es natürlich auch die Möglichkeit einen entspannten, kuscheligen Abend im Wohnbereich vor dem Fernseher mit deutschem Programm zu verbringen.
Ihre Comfort-Ferienhütte in Hagland Lille wird Sie auf Anhieb durch den gelungenen Mix von Modernität, Komfort und der typisch skandinavischen Gemütlichkeit und Ursprünglichkeit begeistern. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst!
Personen max.: | 6 Personen |
Schlafräume: | 2 Schlafräume (1x Doppelbett 1x Etagenbett). Hems mit 2 Einzelbetten |
Wohnraum: | Sofaecke mit Farb-TV (SAT), E-Heizung, Essecke mit Tisch u. Stühlen |
Küche: | Voll ausgestattete Studioküche mit Spülmaschine, 4-Platten Elektro Herd mit Backofen, Kühlschrank, Gefriertruhe, Kaffeemaschine, Wasserkocher, Toaster. Waschmaschine in Nebengebäude. |
Badezimmer: | 1 Badezimmer mit Dusche, Waschbecken und WC. 1x Gäste-WC. Waschmaschine im Servicegebäude zur gemeinschaftlichen Nutzung. |
Sonstiges: | Terrasse. Supermarkt ca. 11 Km. Elektro-Grill. Gemeinschafts-Grill am Hafen zum Grillen mit Holzkohle. |
Ab 209,– € pro Person / Woche inkl. 15 Fuß Boot 15 PS !
Genau wie die bewährten und beliebten Comfort-Ferienhütten, sind die Premiumferienhütten für 6 Personen mit viel Liebe neu und modern eingerichtet. Neben einem Elternschlafraum mit einem gemütlichem Doppelbett und einem Schlafraum für die Kinder gibt es zwei weitere Schlafmöglichkeiten auf dem für Norwegen typischen Hems. Zusätzlich zu einem großzügigen und modernem Badezimmer mit Dusche und WC, haben auch diese Hütten ein separates Gäste-WC. Die moderne Küche ist in das Wohn-/Esszimmer integriert und bietet Ihnen jeglichen Comfort den Sie während Ihres Traumurlaubes benötigen. Vom lichtdurchflutetem Wohnraum und der großen Terrasse genießen Sie einen atemberaubenden Rundumblick über das herrliche Panorama Fjord-Norwegens, und können bis auf das offene Meer hinaus schauen.
Genießen Sie die typisch skandinavische Gemütlichkeit in Ihrem Wohnzimmer. Ein Kaminofen lädt besonders in der kalten Jahreszeit zu einem gemütlichen Miteinander ein, aber auch an Sommerabenden sorgt er für eine entspannte und urige Atmosphäre. Natürlich gibt es auch einen Fernseher mit deutschen Programmen, so dass Sie genauso gut auf dem Sofa entspannen können.
Ihre Premium-Ferienhütte in Hagland Lille wird Sie auf Anhieb durch den gelungenen Mix von Modernität, Komfort und der typisch skandinavischen Gemütlichkeit und Ursprünglichkeit begeistern!
Personen max.: | 6 Personen |
Schlafräume: | 2 Schlafräume (1x Doppelbett 1x Etagenbett). Hems mit 2 Einzelbetten |
Wohnraum: | Sofaecke mit Farb-TV (SAT), E-Heizung, Essecke mit Tisch u. Stühlen. Kamin. |
Küche: | Voll ausgestattete Studioküche mit Spülmaschine, 4-Platten Elektro Herd mit Backofen, Kühlschrank, Gefriertruhe, Kaffeemaschine, Wasserkocher, Toaster. Waschmaschine in Nebengebäude. |
Badezimmer: | 1 Badezimmer mit Dusche, Waschbecken und WC. 1x Gäste-WC. Waschmaschine im Servicegebäude zur gemeinschaftlichen Nutzung. |
Sonstiges: | Terrasse. Supermarkt ca. 11 Km. Elektro-Grill. Gemeinschafts-Grill am Hafen zum Grillen mit Holzkohle. |
Ab 239,– € pro Person / Woche inkl. 15 Fuß Boot 15 PS !
Noch entspanntere Tage können Sie in der neusten Luxus-Ferienhütte verbringen. Abgeschieden und in Mitten unberührter Natur können Sie hier in Ruhe vom Alltag abschalten. Die Luxusferienhütte bietet den allerneusten Komfort, den Sie für Ihren Urlaub benötigen. Neben einem „Masterbedroom“ mit sensationellem Blick auf den Fjord, gibt es zwei Schlafräume mit je zwei Schlafmöglichkeiten. Ihr Badezimmer bietet, neben einer bodengleichen Dusche und Fußbodenheizung, einen modernen Waschtisch, sowie eine Waschmaschine. Die Toilette ist separat und bietet zusätzlich noch ein kleines Waschbecken. Der Wohnraum der Luxusferienhütte ist sehr großzügig und offen gehalten, ein großer Esstisch lädt zum gemütlichen Essen oder einem spannenden Spieleabend ein, die große Sofalandschaft zum Relaxen oder Fernsehen. Ein geschmackvoller Kamin im Wohnzimmer lädt besonders in der kalten Jahreszeit zu einem gemütlichem Miteinander ein, aber auch an Sommerabenden sorgt er für eine entspannte Atmosphäre. Auch das Kochen in der hochmodernen, zum Wohnbereich offenen Küche, macht bei dem Ausblick einfach nur Freude. Natürlich ist die Küche auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik und bietet Ihnen mit modernem Ceranfeld, Backofen und Spülmaschine alles was Sie brauchen. Von der gesamten Hütte haben Sie einen unvergleichbaren Panoramablick auf den Fjord bis hin zum Meer. Neben einer großen Panoramaterrasse, bietet die Luxusferienhütte noch einen separaten Grillplatz, hier können Sie nicht nur ihren frischen Fisch grillen, sondern auch Ihre Kinder beim Spielen im Sandkasten beobachten.
Die Luxus-Ferienhütte liegt im Vergleich zu den übrigen Ferienhäusern von Hagland Lille auf der „anderen” Seite des Fjordes, ist jedoch direkt mit Hagland Lille verbunden- zum Hafen sind es zu Fuß weniger als 5 Minuten. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Hütten ist dieses Domizil direkt mit dem Auto anfahrbar und bietet so auch weniger ”lauffreudigen” Menschen eine prima Möglichkeit die schönsten Tage im Jahr in Hagland Lille zu verbringen. Aber auch für alle anderen Skandinavienfreunde, die die unberührte Natur suchen und dabei auf keinen Komfort verzichten möchten, ist die Luxushütte der ideale Urlaubsort.
Personen max.: | 6 Personen |
Schlafräume: | 3 Schlafräume (1x Doppelbett, 1x Doppelbett (1,2m), 1x Etagenbett). + 1x Schlafsofa im Wohnraum. |
Wohnraum: | Sofaecke mit Farb-TV (SAT), E-Heizung, Holzofen, Essecke mit Tisch u. Stühlen. Kamin. |
Küche: | Voll ausgestattete offene Küche mit Spülmaschine, 4-Platten Elektro Herd mit Backofen, Kühlschrank, Gefriertruhe, Kaffeemaschine, Wasserkocher, Toaster. Waschmaschine in Nebengebäude. |
Badezimmer: | 1 Badezimmer mit Dusche, Waschbecken und WC. 1x Gäste-WC. Eigene Waschmaschine. |
Sonstiges: | Terrasse mit Tisch und Sitzbänken. Supermarkt ca. 11 Km. |
Alle unten aufgeführten Preise verstehen sich pro Woche in Euro. Freie Wechseltage!
Haustiere nicht erlaubt! | 15.3. – 21.6. 8.9. – 2.11. | 22.6. – 7.9. |
Ferienhaus Comfort für 4-6 Personen inkl. Strom, Wasser und Endreinigung | 1089,– € | 1429,– € |
Ferienhaus Premium für 4-6 Personen inkl. Strom, Wasser und Endreinigung | 1299,– € | 1649,– € |
Ferienhaus Luxus für 5-7 Personen inkl. Strom, Wasser und Endreinigung | 1499,– € | 1859,– € |
Bettwäsche und Handtücher per Set | 25,– € | 25,– € |
Aufpreis für Boot 15 Fuß 25 PS mit Echolot/GPS-Kartenplotter | 199,– € | 199,– € |
Die Bootspreise sind zzgl. Treibstoff nach Verbrauch.
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Wir berechnen den Gesamtpreis für Ihre Reise. Bitte fordern Sie ein Angebot an!
Fordern Sie hier ein unverbindliches Angebot für Ihre Angelreise an. Wenn das Formular versendet wurde, sehen Sie auf Ihrem Monitor eine Bestätigungsseite. Wird Ihnen diese nicht angezeigt, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten (ggf. unkorrekte o. fehlende Eingaben). Bei Fragen rufen Sie uns bitte an. Telefon 040-22817440 .
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Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 691
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 634
Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 451
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 451
Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 451
Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 451
Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 634
Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 634
Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 634
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 634
Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 634
Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 522
Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 522
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 522
Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 366
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 517
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
Number of Vendors seeking consent or relying on legitimate interest: 502
With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 262
With your acceptance, certain characteristics specific to your device might be requested and used to distinguish it from other devices (such as the installed fonts or plugins, the resolution of your screen) in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 129
Privacy Policy: https://vdx.tv/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://cdnx.exponential.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Balancing-Assessment-for-Legitimate-Interest-Publishers-v2.pdf
Data Retention Period: 397 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.captifytechnologies.com/privacy-notice/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.captifytechnologies.com/privacy-notice/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.roq.ad/privacy-policy-roqad/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.roq.ad/privacy-policy-roqad/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://help.adspirit.de/privacy.php
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://help.adspirit.de/privacy.php
Data Retention Period: 60 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.emerse.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.emerse.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.admaxim.com/admaxim-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.indexexchange.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.indexexchange.com/privacy/exchange-platform-privacy-policy/#section-3
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.quantcast.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.quantcast.com/privacy
Data Retention Period: 395 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.beeswax.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.beeswax.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 4320 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sovrn.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sovrn.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://adkernel.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://adkernel.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adikteev.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adikteev.com/privacy-policy-app-users
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.rtbhouse.com/privacy-center
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.rtbhouse.com/legitimate_interest_assessments_tcf
Data Retention Period: 565 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://nrich.io/privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://nrich.io/gdpr-legitimate-interest-assessment-sheet
Data Retention Period: 540 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.thetradedesk.com/us/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.thetradedesk.com/us/privacy
Data Retention Period: 99 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.amobee.com/trust/gdpr/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.amobee.com/trust/gdpr/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.epsilon.com/emea/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.epsilon.com/emea/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 480 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://legal.yahoo.com/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/index.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://legal.yahoo.com/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/index.html#6-c
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.venatus.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.venatus.com/privacy-choices
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adventori.com/fr/rgpd/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adventori.com/fr/rgpd/
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://triplelift.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://triplelift.com/platform-privacy-policy#legalbasisofprocessing
Data Retention Period: 45 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://sk.search.etargetnet.com/policy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://sk.search.etargetnet.com/legitimate-interest.html
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.bidtheatre.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://cdn.bidtheatre.com/LIA_ferq.pdf
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://ogury.com/ogury-advertising-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://ogury.com/ogury-advertising-privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/xandr/platform-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/xandr/platform-privacy-policy#p_lt_ctl01_pageplaceholder_p_lt_ctl00_pageplaceholder_p_lt_WebPartZone3_zonePageBody_BingAds_PageContentViewer_PageContentViewerAll_ctl18_ctl00_ColumnsContainer
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://sharethis.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.neory.com/privacy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.neory.com/privacy.html
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://unruly.co/legal/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://unruly.co/legal/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://neural.one/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://neural.one/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.taboola.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.taboola.com/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://theadex.com/privacy-platform/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://theadex.com/privacy-platform/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://equativ.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://equativ.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 50 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://skimlinks.com/privacy-policies/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://skimlinks.com/privacy-policies/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adman.gr/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adman.gr/privacy
Data Retention Period: 3650 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://site.adform.com/privacy-center/platform-privacy/product-and-services-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://site.adform.com/privacy-center/platform-privacy/transparency-and-consent-framework-tcf-compliance/legitimate-interest-at-stake/
Data Retention Period: 60 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 28 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy#legitimateinterest
Data Retention Period: 185 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.madisonlogic.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.madisonlogic.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.confiant.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.confiant.com/privacy
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://adara.com/privacy-promise/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://adara.com/privacy-promise/
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.33across.co.uk/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.33across.co.uk/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sift.co/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sift.co/privacy
Data Retention Period: 1 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://rakutenadvertising.com/legal-notices/services-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://go.rakutenadvertising.com/hubfs/Services-Privacy-Policy-English.pdf
Data Retention Period: 2555 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/justpremium-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/justpremium-privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://lumen-research.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://lumen-research.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://adsquare.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://adsquare.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sizmek.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sizmek.com/privacy-policy#legal-basis
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.openx.com/legal/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.openx.com/legal/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.yieldlab.com/datenschutz/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.yieldlab.com/datenschutz/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://docs.roku.com/published/userprivacypolicy/en/us
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://docs.roku.com/published/userprivacypolicy/en/gb#userprivacypolicyen_gb-userprivacypolicy-en_gb-legalbasis
Data Retention Period: 540 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.nanointeractive.com/privacy-statement/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.nanointeractive.com/privacy-statement/
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://simpli.fi/site-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://m32connect.com/privacy-consent-management/privacy-cookie-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://m32connect.com/privacy-consent-management/privacy-cookie-policy/
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://pubmatic.com/legal/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://pubmatic.com/legal/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 40 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.scorecardresearch.com/privacy.aspx
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.flashtalking.com/privacypolicy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.flashtalking.com/legitimate-interest-legal-basis
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sharethrough.com/privacy-center/consumer-privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy-center.sharethrough.com/en/consumer-privacy-notice/
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://pulsepoint.com/legal/platform-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://pulsepoint.com/legal/platform-privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 366 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.smaato.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.smaato.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 14 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://primo.design/docs/PrivacyPolicyPrimo.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://primo.design/docs/PrivacyPolicyPrimo.html
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.semasio.com/legal/semasio-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.semasio.com/legal/semasio-privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.crimtan.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.crimtan.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.geniussports.com/policies/media-buying-services-and-tcf-privacy-notice/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.e-planning.net/privacy-policy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.e-planning.net/privacy-policy.html
Data Retention Period: 3650 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/how-we-use-your-data/
Data Retention Period: 390 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.1plusx.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.1plusx.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adloox.com/legal/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adloox.com/legal/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://blis.com/blis-privacy-policy-for-online-advertising-and-related-uses/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://blis.com/legitimate-interests-statement/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.lotame.com/privacy/privacy-notices/services/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.lotame.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/TC_String_Legitimate_Interests_Assessment_Lotame.pdf
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://liveramp.fr/politique-confidentialite-produits-services/politique-de-confidentialite-de-nos-produits-et-services-2/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://liveramp.fr/iab-transparency-consent-framework/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.groupm.com/privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.groupm.com/privacy-notice
Data Retention Period: 2 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://fifty.io/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://fifty.io/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 183 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.wearemiq.com/privacy-and-compliance
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.wearemiq.com/privacy-and-compliance
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://sonobi.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://sonobi.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 548 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://richaudience.com/en/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://legal.loopme.com/privacy-center#contract-hyartvn1o
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://legal.loopme.com/privacy-center#contract-hyartvn1o
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.dynataprivacy.com/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.dynataprivacy.com/
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://showheroes.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://showheroes.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 393 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://ayads.co/privacy.php
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://ayads.co/privacy.php
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy-portal.smartclip.net/en/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy-portal.smartclip.net/tcf/purpose-2-li
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://asklocala.com/advertising-privacy-policy/?_gl=1*145zs89*_up*MQ..*_ga*MjA4NDgxNDYxOC4xNjk2NTEyNTU5*_ga_VRM83PCHBL*MTY5NjUxMjU1OC4xLjEuMTY5NjUxMjU3NS4wLjAuMA..*_ga_5N7836YC9X*MTY5NjUxMjU1OC4xLjEuMTY5NjUxMjU3NS4wLjAuMA..
Data Retention Period: 45 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.eyeota.com/privacy-center
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.eyeota.com/eyeota-marketplace-privacy-policy#pcc-anchor-2
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy.metadsp.co.uk/privacy-policy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy.metadsp.co.uk/privacy-policy.html
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://azira.com/fr/privacy-policy/#services-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://azira.com/fr/privacy-policy/#services-policy
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://doubleverify.com/privacy-notice/solutions-privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://doubleverify.com/privacy-notice/solutions-privacy-notice
Data Retention Period: 45 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://piximedia.com/privacy/?lang=fr
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://piximedia.com/privacy/?lang=fr
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.bidswitch.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.bidswitch.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.iponweb.com/policies-legal/iponweb-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.iponweb.com/policies-legal/iponweb-privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.nextroll.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.nextroll.com/lia
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://id5.io/platform-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://id5.io/privacy
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy-policy.teads.com/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy-policy.teads.com/privacy-policy/european-privacy-notice/
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://digitalaudience.io/legal/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://digitalaudience.io/legal/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.smartstream.tv/de/produktdatenschutz
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.smartstream.tv/de/produktdatenschutz
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.stroeer.de/ssp-datenschutz
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.stroeer.de/ssp-datenschutz
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://osdatasolutions.de/datenschutz/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://osdatasolutions.de/datenschutz/
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://connectadrealtime.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://connectadrealtime.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://permodo.com/de/privacy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://permodo.com/de/privacy.html
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://verve.com/dsp-cookies-privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://verve.com/dsp-cookies-privacy/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.emodoinc.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: http://www.emodoinc.com/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 60 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.media.net/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.media.net/privacy-policy/#legitimate-interest
Data Retention Period: 2190 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://connatix.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://connatix.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://liveintent.com/services-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://admanmedia.com/politica.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://admanmedia.com/politica.html
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.azerion.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Website-Privacy-Notice-v3-Inskin-Media.pdf
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.azerion.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Website-Privacy-Notice-v3-Inskin-Media.pdf
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.liftdsp.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 390 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://developers.bluestack.app/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://developers.bluestack.app/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://yoc.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://yoc.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.antvoice.com/en/privacypolicy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.antvoice.com/en/privacypolicy/
Data Retention Period: 403 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy.basis.net/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy.basis.net/#gdpr
Data Retention Period: 540 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview